Manfred Touron


I <3 ascii-art

5 pages about "Ascii-art"

20 Ideas of fun places to do ascii-arts

The ideas

  1. Git commit history (git log)
  2. GitHub SSH key (done)
  3. WIFI SSID list
  4. File names (ls)
  5. Commit log on file listing on GitHub (1 commit per file)
  6. Tweet chain
  7. In a JSON API
  8. In HTML comment
  9. In email subject (multiple emails in the inbox)
  10. In a CSV file
  11. As issues list
  12. In Trello cards (listing)
  13. In a README.txt (or .md, …)
  14. In an Excel document (or other spreadsheet)
  15. Album track names
  16. In a Music editor app, using the track names
  17. In a Whois record
  18. In DNS TXT entries
  19. As SSH connection error
  20. In access log
Note: this article is the output of a routine, the content of this list won't change over time. It's, however, possible that I create a whole new list on the same subject as a dedicated new post.

moul's ascii-art logo (draft)

Playing with ascii-art!

I’m currently trying to make an ascii-art version of my avatar, so I can use it in my source code :)

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I started a golang library to use this logo ->