Manfred Touron

You can find most of code projects on GitHub and my resume on LinkedIn.

74 pages about "Projects"

Ultreme Calendar 🎨

1 day, 1 funny page during a month, with very good friends :)


music-paint is a tool that allows to controller a midi device (real or virtual) using a drawing app (like paint.exe).

Current version is configured as:

  • X-axis: tone
  • Y-axis: velocity

PoC with a real device

You can also control a real MIDI device, connected in USB.

video coming soon!

PoC with virtual device and Logic

By using a virtual MIDI device you can control your music software (Logic, Reason, Ableton, …).

With Logic

With Reason


    +++       |
    ++         |
    +  -==   ==|
   (   <*>   <*>
    |           |
    |         __|
    |      +++
     \      =+
      \      +                             Hello World!
      |  ++++      ||//
  ____|   |____   _||/__
 /     ---     \  \|  |||
/  _ _  _     / \   \ /
| / / //_//_//  |   | |


😄 quicssh is a QUIC proxy that allows to use QUIC to connect to an SSH server without needing to patch the client or the server.


A Generic (funny) Text Generator.


Try it here:

moul-bot 🤖

moul-bot is my personal bot.

moul-bot, Manfred Touron's Robot

beep boop

Its main role is to help me with repetitive tasks such as running scripts, synchronize datas, monitor services, and so on.

moul-bot is the best friend of moul-sudo is my latest attempt to have and maintain a blog 😄


👓 dependency visualizer for GitHub, GitLab, Jira & Trello (a.k.a., “auto-roadmap”)


moul-sudo 👻

moul-sudo is my personal sudo mode; this account allows me to use @moul as an unprivileged user.

moul-sudo, Manfred Touron's sudo mode

beep boop

I created moul-sudo after reading this article:

Thanks to this dedicated user, it’s now less a problem for me to use my personal GitHub account on a daily basis.

moul-sudo is the best friend of moul-bot

Berty Technologies 🚀

Non-profit organization behind the Berty project.


httpbin like for gRPC

Official website:


🎩 simple, fun and transparent SSH (and telnet) bastion