§Talks I’ve made
- Cryptography workshop (~4-5 hours)
- history of the cryptography
- understanding the dangers, weaknesses
- good practices
- Last News from Berty
- P2P & Crypto in Go (~1 hour)
- P2P: general intro; P2P & Go
- Cryptography: general intro; Cryptography & Go
- Berty: project intro; Berty & Go
- Challenges of Open-Source
- How to Join and Contribute to Open-Source Communities
- Why I love Open-Source, and so should you
- How to be a good contributor
- How to open your projects
- Introduction to Cryptography for Developers: 1-hour version
- Introduction to Cryptography for Developers: 25-mins version
- Presentation of the Berty project
- Presentation of the Pathwar project
- Behind the scene of Scaleway
- how we created a new cloud provider
- how we made the highest density server in the world
- how we created a new cloud provider on exotical architecture
- I made and adapted this presentation multiple times
- Approx 30 minutes
- Docker on exotic platforms & architectures
- Docker on ARM
- github.com/multiarch
- Clean Architecture on Golang
- clean arch ? how ? why ? problems to address
- ACSRF: for fun and profit
- Presentation of the attack vector + PoC
- Suggestions for the future
- Approx 20 minutes
- Code generation on Golang (, and elsewhere)
- presentation of protoc-gen-gotemplate
- boilerplate strategy
- focus on microservices
- strategy of having one contract for both backend and frontend (how to have separate team to work together)
- History & Current State of P2P
- A list of technologies and ecosystems about P2P and Cryptography
- Docker from day 1
- The pattern of implementing Docker very early and to use it for dev, CI, and production
- Approx 40-50 minutes
§Talks I plan to do
Here is a list of talks I would like to do, for those talks, I already have some materials and only wait for a good reason to take the time to finish the support of the presentation.
- Why I want to lose control of Berty, how bitcoin and bittorrent succeed to make the project owned by the community
- WAT: censorship
- WAT: privacy
- Blockchain and DPOS
- IPFS on Mobile
- BLE/Bluetooth-Low-Energy on IPFS
- Presentation of QuicSSH (SSH over Quic)
- Presentation of the Berty Protocol
- Golang Project Layout
- Drop the V1
- Offline-first laptop
- Cloud & Privacy
- Securing devices in a trust less environment
- Abusing Git & GitHub :)
- Managing everything about a project on GitHub
- Managing personal projects on GitHub
- Managing life on GitHub :)
- Automating with bots
- Git & GitHub Hacks
- SSH: under the hood & hacks
- I <3 Useless Things
- Nothing to hide
- OSI (Open-Source Inteligence), you’re very (too much) public
- Osmose presentation (presentation of the blockchain, the organization, the mission, the challenges)
- Wulo presentation (what we’ve done, why we gave a try, what we’ve learned)
- Presentation of github.com/moul/assh
- Roadmap management based on graph theory and statistics (presentation of depviz, graphman, and of the PERT framework)
- Presentation of “Paris P2P”, a meetup, and a group that want to become a P2P project: transparent, and managed by the community
- Monorepo and other contre-intuitive things I learned to love after working on a lot of projects and > 500 repos
- Coding everyday, why and how I’ve a full GitHub streak of > 3 years
- Being open-source first (state of mind): what it means to start a project open-source; why it’s very different from planning to become open-source; what are the tips to transform this fact from a constraint to an advantage
- The Log Pattern: async + event-sourcing = <3
- the perfect startup; how would be my perfect startup; what I want and … what I never want again
- Feedback about microservices, why it’s often a bad idea
- “Drop the V1”, why I stopped trying make perfect things from day one and embrace not being afraid of rewriting full pieces of code
- What I’ve learned by auditing startups