§Currently reading
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§Books I’ve read
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Laisse faire les sphères : Recueil de plaisanteries
A good introduction that gives both a macro vision of the current state of Cryptography and a detailed zoom on some aspects.
The kind of book, I loved to read entirely and that I will keep available to re-read specific chapters sometimes.
Great bonus: it’s about cryptography, but does not requires advanced mathematic knowledges.
An inspiring book, easy and useful tips to be better at communicating on what we “do”.
(That’s the book that motivated me to blog more)
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
A mandatory reading for creative people.
Embracing the fact that we are influenced by other people allows to consciously think about it, and extract as much goodness as possible.
A mandatory reading; giving a consistent way of handling diffent fundamental topics: hiring, talent management; but also: vision, culture, objectives, and strategy
Recommended by Jean
§Books I’ve published
(Sorted alphabetically)
Histoire pour enfants generator
100 generated stories for children
(Strangely) more appreciated by adults :-/
La calculatrice dont vous êtes le héros
My attempt to make an energy-free pocket calculator
A book that was generated by a computer